Just when you think you know all the answers to your life's problems including your star sign mastery. Everything else changes all together.
As if your life is farfetched from your reality, yet your breath and face is so near to be your own. Maybe, corruption and bureaucracy is what stifles our creativity to sing, dance and be a happy people.
Everything seems too far! Yet, too near for poor people and mass unemployed youth. South Africa is politically challenged, maladjusted and promotes nepotism and political connections.
It's like trying to reach for a plate full of food when you're very hungry, after fasting for 7 days. Someone accidentally tilts your plate by mistake and all the food drops down to the floor.
The melody of this track has this beautiful haunting rhythm that leaves you with no options, but to dance your troubles and fears away. That sigh of desperation is what this music and sound track seems to say to me.
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