Life was rich with experience of our human consciousness to be alive and the joy to exist and define our personal mission, became values we upheld with high esteem and regard. Values that made our cultures and heritage a thing to embrace as humanity.
Even though apartheid was a stumbling block to further ones' intention to see beyond our borders.We held our heads high and continued the struggle with dignity and self-respect. Our New Democracy and the New South Africa has lost all that.
We all know the saing that goes:
"With Great Powers Comes Great Responsibility"
Current collapse of our cities infrastructure or law and order and violent protest around the country has nothing to do with the past history because we are already into a new order - which is now our future is it not? Apartheid was buried in 1994.So! why blame the white man?
Everyone was proud to be a South African. We had something to live for. There were plenty of Job opportunities, some of us thrived even under those trying times. If you cared to be educated or became enterprising like Herman Mashaba or Doctor Finger-tips we were able to break the mindset of complacency, conformity and a dependency syndrome that is prevailing currently in our democracy.
We kept our spirits and souls intact and everyone one his brothers' keepers and no one would go hungry of left unattended. There were no drugs or substance abuse, No guns and drug paddling in our community. Life was safe.
Police did their job well and especially the White folks, they kept order and sanity to our hearts delight. Crimes was very much manageable and controllable. Chaos was never in the vocabulary of the ruling party.
Citizens were responsible and took care of their own mundane issues, politics was part of the big picture, to see a black man liberated one day. Much more needs to be done to get back to sanity! This country is out of control!
Someone should be held accountable for this chaos!
If a picture is worth a 1000 words - Then a video should be priceless: You be the judge