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Friday, June 24, 2016

Touring Joburg Inner CBD after 1994

If you have watched part 1 of  touring the city of Joburg, by now you are familiar with the tone of my voice and reminiscing the good old days. Yes! The good old days were packed with a sense of purpose and human values which were the shrine of our identity a sense of pride as a people to be called value adding citizens.

Life was rich with experience of our human consciousness to be alive and the joy to exist and define our personal mission, became values we upheld with high esteem and regard. Values that made our cultures and heritage a thing to embrace as humanity.

Even though apartheid  was  a stumbling block to further ones' intention to see beyond our borders.We held our heads high and continued the struggle with dignity and self-respect. Our New Democracy and the New South Africa has lost all that.

We all know the saing that goes:
"With Great Powers Comes Great Responsibility"

Our people in South Africa have lost their sense of pride and responsibility and blame white people for their short-comings. What an outrageous flabbergasted inferior mindset of a decapitated  poor self-esteem.

Current collapse of our cities infrastructure or law and order and violent protest around the country has nothing to do with the past history because we are already into a new order - which is now our future is it not? Apartheid was buried in 1994.So! why blame the white man?

Everyone was proud to be a South African. We had something to live for. There were plenty of Job opportunities, some of us thrived even under those trying times. If you cared to be educated or became enterprising like Herman Mashaba or Doctor Finger-tips we were able to break the mindset of complacency, conformity and a dependency syndrome that is prevailing currently in our democracy.

We kept our spirits and souls intact and everyone one his brothers' keepers and no one would go hungry of left unattended.  There were no drugs or substance abuse, No guns and drug paddling in our community. Life was safe.

Police did their job well and especially the White folks, they kept order and sanity to our hearts delight. Crimes was very much manageable and controllable. Chaos was never in the vocabulary of the ruling party.

Citizens were responsible and took care of their own mundane issues, politics was part of the big picture, to see a black man liberated one day. Much more needs to be done to get back to sanity! This country is out of control!
Someone should be held accountable for this chaos!

If a picture is worth a 1000 words - Then a video should be priceless: You be the judge


Joburg City Touring The Wild West Comes To Town

Have you ever been to the inner city of Johannesburg lately?

for me recently I took a drive to Johannesburg, just to see what it looks like since 1994. A lot has changed ever since the Joburg stock exchange was moved to Sandton.

Major corporations took with them the heart of the "old-sweet" taste of working in harmony with my fellow white folks. Call me "old school" I love white people with all my heart.

In my book of good tales - They made Johannesburg peaceful and buzz during the times of Apartheid. There was law and order. Organizational discipline and the maintenance of our countries' infrastructure.

But, if you go deeper into the heart of the city - crime is rive that is the truth my friends. Criminals will rob you daylight and take you for a ride.

Rather lets watch this video.
If you have issues with my perception why don't you tell your own story and sell it on eBay, instead of leaving negative comments on this blog. Your book might earn you a lot of money and maybe you can also sell your point of view to tourists visiting this country.

This is my personal contribution to the new South Africa as it was mine before 1994 and the prison term I served in solitary confinement in both Ermelo and Davel police station as a political activist.

Before you throw tantrums and start calling me names. I hope you know who the author of this blog is first. Then you can launch your debate and personal insults on your own blog, and not this one.

Mzwandile The Miracle Musician - Now Admitted at Wits University

Mzwandile Khali is a prolific musician from Pimville Soweto. Self taught tenor saxophone player who eventually studied music at Funda Centre Diepkloof in the late 90's to graduate with a diploma in music. Like any Sowetan youth who struggles to make ends meet to find their feet and a stable career, Mzwandile did not give up on his dream.

He was always wishing to crack the US music market as an artist, but circumstance always posed a new challenge. I remember chatting to him about getting a recording deal with one of the American Record Labels, he was optimistic that when the time came he will jump at the opportunity.
Graduation Pending!

After two years of deliberations and nothing seemed to happen, we met at Baragwanath Taxi rank just opposite Santa Hospital; and he hit me with a BIG surprise. 

He was now a student at Wits University studying music with a scholarship obtained after a music audition that went very awesome.

A year later, we met and he had dropped out of Varsity because of family constraints and financial difficulties. Does it mean his dreams were shuttered? I hope not, but my gut-feel told me - He had given up on his will to pursue the dream. 

I was disappointed and daunted. Now as I contribute to this blog, I hope to revive him by encouraging him to continue.

Help Him Reach His Dream!
The best I could do, if he still wishes to realize his goal - was to take a video of him playing one of his favourite songs to promote his talent on this web. Maybe someone out-there will notice him, that's how people get a break isn't it?

I am going to arrange a meeting with him and will take it from there. Wish me luck he doesn't change his mind. The guy is gifted, talented and a genius, don't you think he deserves a break?

It is for this reason that the Internet can make a difference in our time zones and communication. We can all reach out to touch somebody. I really want this guy to prove his villains and enemies wrong. Most of his peers think he is a failure and he will not make it to the top. don't believe that- at all. I will also see if I can take pictures of him and post them on the blog. But above all else, I want you to listen to how this fellow plays.

For me, some of these artists are very much neglected and unknown by the music industry, because they search for talent in wrong places.

I hope this Blog will make an impact for this post, I am confident the interview with him will go on smoothly.  

Help Us Raise R75,000 for his 2021 Varsity FEES

Watch This Video Below!



Essence of Time Photos and Music

Dominating In A Mans Driven Career
