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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Freedom and Choices

From The Quiet Joyful Noise

©2006 I. Khonjelwayo all rights reserved: Courtesy “The Quiet Joyful Noise”

Freedom and Choices!
are these the chains and the brains
that God grants to all blessed men
with borrowed power from above
to entertain their ego and elastic illusions?

Freedom and Choices!
to own it and to control it
is to live in it and become a mirror that
will reflect cracks in your sophisticated soul

Freedom and Choices!
to manage it or to abuse it
is to pretend you’re someone silly
like Lucifer trying to steal the judges votes
in a universal beauty pageant competition

Freedom and Choices!
are they the reigns and pains
that drive mans greed into animal instincts
rather a privilege that is reserved
for men to live right in the light of God

Freedom and Choices!
Doesn’t it steer your direction to attest
your abilities against temptation and transgressions!
to prove to other classes of people and castes
that they are wrong and you are right?

Get The Rest of The Story Here

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dominating In A Mans Driven Career

This is an interesting topic that I just thought I should write about.  I am an IT- Networking graduate; I’m currently in a learnership program at Gijima and I have become conscious that most of the students here are guys and it brought to my attention that this industry is dominated by males.

I’m just writing this to encourage young black ladies that are in the similar position as I am, whether you’re into Construction or at the Military, Machinery Engineering or you’re just like me into Information technology, know that woman are beginning to pour into management and skilled profession. Never doubt your skills or your knowledge.

Gone are the days where women were known to be at home, in the kitchen and baking stuffs. We might not be physically strong as men but when it comes to running and delegating we certainly are doing a great job!
In fact women are now directing in some of the jobs that used to belong to men only. In the beginning it’s always inflexible to get a job let alone a job that is male-dominate simply because you are a woman. 

Sometimes you have to make a statement to be recognized and not to be confused to the P.A when you’re out of the office on site, perhaps setting up a network for a company or whatever the case may be.  As women we really have to go above and beyond to prove your value, whereas men get that automatically.

Women being recognized 

Being a woman in today’s competitive job market can be a challenge particularly if you’re hoping to start your career in a traditionally male-dominated arena. Many women have successfully navigated into typical male-dominated arenas.
Personally I would like to encourage those that are dominating in a male field to keep on keeping on, don’t look down on yourself no matter how hard it gets. You were called for this and that is why you are occupying that position.This is also a note to self.

by : Tshegofatso Seochwareng

More People Are Doing This

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Is acquiring work experience more than just seeking a job?

How important is volunteer work experience if a person is looking for job prospects to enhance their CV in order to attract offers?

I know for a fact that volunteer work does expose one to work experience in order to gain knowledge for a particular job. Also, volunteer work gives one an opportunity to explore how the work environment is structured and decipline is maintained in relation to productivity and the work ethic.

Youth in South Africa do not understand the significance of volunteering to gain some work experience, besides giving back to the community should be a moral obligation for all citizens to restore our humanity as a society. I learnt how to write by volunteering for a local community newspaper.

Is the time NOT right for African Woman To Tell her Own Story?
I was always fascinated, by books and wanted to read more and more books especially biographies of successful people. Alex Times was my project to get started  as a novice writer. One of my mentors and life skills coach was Mr. Chris Coetzee. He encouraged me also to write for the Human Resources Business Magazine.

Later on in the process I was invited by "The Springs Reporter" in Kwa-Thema to write motivational articles for the same reason. This was the beginning of my love for writing as a hobbyist author.

It was a spiritually rewarding exercise and a huge learning curve to mould me as a budding lyricist and composer to winner of the best "Song Writer of The Year" in 2005 international competitions. (The Yoko Ono - Project)

I am currently encouraging one of my student who has the potential to pursue an interest in writing for pleasure. It is time African Women take a stand to tell their own story. Welcome Tshegofatso to Go Trending Events and News as a volunteer freelance author.

Count Yourself In!
Employers today are constantly looking at proactive leadership from individuals who can add value to their society by engaging in extra-mural community up-liftment projects work. CV's with experience in volunteer work get more attention and exposure than those who are less occupied doing community work. It simply puts you 10 steps ahead of your peers to open doors that where apparently shut if you did nothing about your situation.

By: isaac khonjelwayo

South Africa where are you going?

Growing up in the beautiful land where we don’t quite experience natural disasters. A peaceful land that displays the magnificent invention of what art is and where art is displayed live to us, the vigorous mountains, the skies, the stunning flowers, the deep blue seas, the uninhabited countless animals, and multiracial people from different backgrounds and the African atmosphere.   We live in a beautiful country which expresses Gods love for us.

South Africa my home, one night I went to sleep and woke up to a boundless tragedy, South Africa left… I screamed with teary eyes “South Africa where are you going?” was it the passing of the greatest man who lived? Nelson Mandela? What is going on? Who will safe us now? What went wrong? As I set down to ask myself these questions.

Nelson Mandela

 I see young people not caring anymore and pointing fingers at the government but honestly speaking there is only so much that they can do. What happens onwards is entirely up to you. I once had an interesting conversation with my brother from Ghana, and he said to me,” you South Africans are spoiled, you get money to support your babies, the government provides learnership programs and internships and now free houses? 

You receive funding for small upcoming businesses” It made me realize that oh wow, I never really thought of it that way, I’m not saying the governments method of running things is perfect, but looking at our benefits as south Africans we actually can do something from it, it’s not all so bad.

I recently saw a massive mall being build and I thought to myself this part of town is being developed, as weeks went by a board was put up “China Mall Opening Soon” I was quite astonished by that and the honest question I asked myself is “how was that possible” I bow down to whoever did that because imagine how difficulty it must be to go to a foreign country and start a business as a vendor let along building a mall. We need to learn something from these people. South Africa where are you going?

Beautiful Country 
We once lived in a beautiful country but it has been taking away from us. We talk about free education but how is that happening when there is so much chaos in our parliamentary house? When there is so many things happening behind closed doors? When people are being murdered for tenders? There is so much greed going on.

Is this what south Africa has become? We have become so self-absorbed and hard hearted that we cannot acknowledge good working ethics. We are killing one another and killing our fellow brothers from upper Africa?

It pains me deeply to stand tall and say “I am proudly South African”, who can be proud of what we have become? There are a lot of issues going on, I don’t know them all and I don’t need to. Finding a solution to turning South Africa around to be what it was destined to be is what we should do.

In 1976, June 16 youth fought, blood was shared, and South Africa was dreadful and deplorable, what is our generation doing to make it accurate and driving it back to where it was initially supposed be? Where are you going? Night clubs? Drinking with friends? Out watching a movie? Stealing? Killing? Raping? We all have a significant role to play and fulfill for a better future. 

We need to help each other and not make matters worse? I never really understood the purpose of striking and damaging vital resources which you are going to need. Isn’t there a better way of doing things?
I’m only 25 and I see something awfully wrong with how things are being handled, we are so privileged to be a part of this beautiful nation, if you don’t see it then I really don’t know. It is up to you and me to bring South Africa home. Let’s make a change.

By: Tshegofatso Seochwareng 

Dominating In A Mans Driven Career
