"why didn't we do something" about it?
This video is about finding ourselves as Oneness after 35 years of soul-searching and going through trials and tribulations that life throws at each one of us. Where we tend to lose ourselves in the struggle to keep up with demands and stormy challenges surrounding our individual plight. It is here that each one's identity and sense of purpose was seen to be challenged and internalized. Our beautiful ages and wrinkled timeline of wisdom written on our faces can tell more about each persons' strength of character to take on "life's beating" with courage and inner potency to withstand the turmoil of the test of time. Whence we never gave up hope, because we dare to win and to overcome, it is in our nature and spirit to conquer and become victorious in the end. That's how resilient our spirit was made to last until now. Yes! we were part of the vibrant 80's economy and our contribution and knowledge to this country was positively prepared for that purpose. "Chamdor was that technical college" every township boys' wishful aspirations and dreams was to manifest and be realized - through education and training, to empower us for the future.If the future us now! Why are we watching & not participating in the action?
Now we are in the future this future took us by surprise and we are bombarded by new waves of change. This time we only discover now that "change" is the only constant, as if we are caught in a time warp puzzled by how life has overtaken our expectation of yesterday 80's to fast-forward us into today. A lot has happened since 1980, therefore being separated from one another for so long made it difficult so some to cope with challenges.Perhaps, this reunion is a good excuse to find one another together again in the spirit of unity to shed light and revitalize our hopes in establishing new ways to cope and survive into yet another unpredictable timeline warp called "future". This episode is an overview of what "trying to find ourselves" is all about. A few guys are unemployed or retired, others are getting by or just scraping through a few pennies here and there.
It appears as if we have to dig deep and find alternative solutions to hold-hands or forge a way to stay above the water during these trying times. Ideas were thrown around the table in this meeting at Vereeniging to evaluate which business opportunities were viable and worthy to pursue from each individuals' point of view. No commitment or any final outcomes have been reached as yet. Overall! this reunion brought back good memories and emotions of the "good old days" something I was always reminiscing about in the last 15 years, until now.
Although we did not plan to talk about business opportunities because a majority of "Oneness Members" are very successful and living comfortably; maybe a majority don't need any help to supplement their hefty retirement packages. I speak for those who don't have these benefits especially the "self-employed" entrepreneurs, who need to take action and participate in our lucrative economic township business opportunities to thrive whiles we still can, instead of "watch things happen".
If destiny is a fulfillment of your true being - Why are we not reaching our full potential?
It is left to those who are struggling to try find alternatives to explore these ideas and its possibilities. Our true happiness and a sense of purpose can only come from the involvement and commitment in our own continuous personal development goals and plans. I for one have been a victim of South Africans who are marginalized i.e. "locals" who are unfortunate to participate in the mainstream economic activity because of government rules and regulations and big corporate monopoly and nepotism over the disadvantaged individuals who do not have connections with the ruling party.I suppose and assume that those who are members of "Oneness" might also face or suffer the same fate directly or indirectly if they dared not challenge their potential and looked else where for alternative greener pastures to make ends meet. However, in my understanding at Vereeniging meeting - no one is forced to join or get involved in these proposal I mentioned in Part 6 Presentation Video of the Business Opportunities we shared as a group. The contribution to discuss the subject was a spontaneous reaction from Oupa Maaroganye, Thebi and Duma. This however was not even in the agenda and, should not suggest that anyone will be interested or forced to take part in such activity.
We merely wanted to explore each other's interest and help where we can to support one another during bad and hard times. After all this is what we envisage "oneness" to stand for - is it not? "(united we stand and divided we fall) I thought was the modus operandi of Oneness is this not? correct me if I am wrong.
It is for this reason that I wish to highlight the purpose for which this Reunion was never intended to misrepresent or foresee as a possibility to ignore creative input in providing vital information to offer solutions for our current or future plight to act decisively upon suggested inputs. Therefore, this inspired me to capture these moments on video knowing one-day someone will say "why didn't we do something" about it?
I stand to endorse the fact that "someone is trying to talk" about it. The question will remain. How many are interested in it and will do something about it. You be the judge to answer this question yourself only time will reveal why we had to meet in the first place. What you do with this information is entirely your own call - in short "the ball is in your court". Let's meet to rejoice and keep a good company as friends in need lest we forget -: Each one of us possesses talents and gifts that can serve us better as a people to build one another in the process of discovering our own unique positive power, to leave the world a better place than we found it. Peace!
Enjoy the motivation from each member's contribution
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